Graduation ceremony Academic Year 2022, Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology at Rajamangala Hall, Suanluang Rama IX November 13, 2022. Graduation rehearsal...
Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) Prof. Dr. Ali Selamat, Dean of MJIIT, Dr. Pramila Tamunaidu and Dr. Shohei Matsuura, JICA...
On November 7th, 2022, Loy Krathoung’s day in TNI premises. The Winner of Noppamas Queen Award goes to “Ploychompu from...
On Friday, November 4, 2022 TNIC welcomes a new exchange student Mr. Masashi Kubota from Tama University.
TNIC team visits SIAM DAIKIN SALE on November 3, 2022 for co-operative education program and further research with air and...
Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology (TNI), Thai-Nichi International College (TNIC) and Boriboonsil Rangsit School (BRS) signed MoU to cooperate in the...
Building E, Floor 3,
Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology
1771/1 Pattanakarn Rd. Suanluang, Bangkok 10250, Thailand
Tel: 0-2763-2600 Ext. 2652, 2409, 2410
TNI Website :
TNIC Website: TNIC : Thai-Nichi International College – TNIC
TNIC Instagram : tni_intercollege